by mybradwalker | Nov 4, 2015 | bang-newsletter
by Brad Bockey Saint Barbara is the patron saint of miners. She is among the 14 Holy Helpers of the Roman Catholic Church, the "Patron of Good Death." Saint Barbara is probably the longing of the miners for light, transferred from the Christian...
by mybradwalker | Nov 2, 2015 | bang-newsletter
Many of the event shooters by Mel Fletcher On the beautiful fall afternoon of September 18, 2015, the 2nd Annual Potomac Chapter ISEE Sporting Clays & Pork BBQ event was held at the Timberline Sporting Clays, Chambersburg, PA. Chris Monger takes aim. The event...
by mybradwalker | Nov 1, 2015 | bang-newsletter
by Brad Bockey Bulk trucks in our industry cannot have tires in use that are over 6 years of age. It does not go by the purchase date but by the manufacture date of the tire. Depending on the inventory rotation of a particular shop, that tire could have been sitting...